FAQ: How can I install AspTear without using Setup or reguser.exe (ISP setup)?
This procedure applies to AspTear 1.2 only
A problem that usually comes up when you want to install a component on an ISP's Web server:
ISP will accomodate the component's .dll, but won't run setup.exe or any other custom EXE (such
as reguser.exe, which is required for registration).
To solve this problem, you can install AspTear on another machine and take asptear.dll from the installation
directory and ship the DLL to your ISP, which can register it using
regsvr32 asptear.dll
Also tell the ISP to copy your license file (asptear.lic) into the same directory as asptear.dll.
For the registration process, please copy and paste the following registry export script into a file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"AspTear 1.1"="your license name here"
Please change "your license name here" to the registration name you
received via email. Note: Versions 1.1 and 1.2 use the same registration keys as the upgrade was free.
In order to automatically import it, name it asptear.reg. Simply double-clicking adds the necessary registry
keys. If you don't want to take the risk of someone inadvertently double-clicking the file, name it with a
different extension (.txt for example) and use the Import Registry File functionality of regedit.exe: