FAQ: What causes error 406 in conjunction with the Save method
When you download a binary document from a Web server using the Save method, you might encounter server error
406. This means that the server cannot return the document in the requested format - that is, AspTear requested it
in text/html (default), which cannot be fulfilled for example for Adobe PDF documents.
To circumvent the problem, set the Accept property to */* so the Web server can choose the right format to
send. See the below source code for an example of how to implement the solution.
Dim xObj, strUrl, bDoneSuccessfully, strFile
Const Request_GET = 2
Set xobj = CreateObject("SOFTWING.ASPtear")
On Error Resume Next
xObj.ForceReload = True
strUrl = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
strUrl = ""
strFile = Server.MapPath("mydocument.pdf")
xobj.Accept = "*/*"
bDoneSuccessfully = xobj.Save(strUrl, Request_GET , "", strFile, "", "")
Response.Write "<b>" & Err.Description & " " & Err.Number & _
"</b><br>" & vbCrlf
Response.Write "<pre>" & xobj.Headers & "</pre>"